Monday, January 10, 2011

Where did the time go?

Well, I was not intending for it to take this long for me to post again!

I pray that you all had a great Christmas and New Year's. Christmas was vastly different in our house this year. Usually, we would have our parents over at different times during December or go over to their homes to celebrate individually. Both of our sets of parents are divorced so that ended up being four different times of travel or guests and a mountain of stress.

This year though we had everyone who was able, family and friends, come to our house on Christmas Day. I made snacks throughout the day and we visited with everyone as they came and went. We ended our day with an impromptu jam session with several of our friends from WVIHOP and it was fantastic. I cannot remember a better Christmas holiday.

Our New Years Eve was quiet as we watched the last sessions of the onething conference out at IHOP-KC.  We were hugely blessed by just a little we were able to watch during the four days, and there are free archives on their website if you are interested.

On the 3rd, we gathered with almost all of our Monday night team from WVIHOP, had some pizza (as well as A LOT of desserts), talked about what we wanted to do in the new year, then had another jam session in our living/school room. As Larry and I start going in-depth with Acts in our Bible study, we're finding that this is very similar to the early church. They gathered, broke bread, sang and prayed together. It almost seems too easy, doesn't it?

In the middle of all this, Larry and I made some plans for my poetry. I won't give away the surprise ... not here at least. You'll have to check out my "professional" blog about the poetry. The sneak peek will go up tomorrow morning, so don't miss it!

My faith has been shaken recently as well. Some things have happened in the past month that have really forced me to look at my relationship with God and the way I'm living my life. So, I am ringing in the new year by shifting some attitudes, shedding some bonds, and working hard at finding out who my Father really is.

Whew! That was a lot! I'm going to try really hard to not wait so long to post. I have so many amazing things to talk about!

God bless and have a great week!

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